
Notice of 2012 JAFSE annual symposium

Organizer: Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering (JAFSE)

Date: May 21-22, 2012

Venue: Utsunomiya Tobu Hotel Grande, 5-12, Honcho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi,  320-0033 (http://www.tobuhotel.co.jp/utsunomiya/index.php)

Registration Fee (for joining meeting): members 3,000 yens, non-members 5,000 yens, students 1,000 yens

Proceedings: to be distributed on site at 5,000 yens (students discount 2,500 yens)

Call for papers – 2012 JAFSE annual symposium

Deadline (registration of paper presentation) :

Download paper format and manuscripts should be submitted electronically, through the login button at the symposium web page  (https://www.i-product.biz/jafse/). The submission deadline for papers is 12 March 2012 9:00 PM (JST).

Variability of Sessions

In addition to ordinary oral sessions, poster and organized sessions are being planned. Please specify PS or OS in your application form.

Ordinary sessions:

One of the authors makes an oral presentation in 12 minutes including discussion. Two pages of paper could be included in proceedings. The authors can choose session category for presentation. Details are given in registration from website.

Organized sessions:

For specific topics, special session will be planned. The applicant for organized session can submit 4 pages of paper. Presentation and discussion time will be extended. The proposed topics are:

(OS1) Future View of Earthquake Fire Study on The Basis of The Great East Japan Earthquake:

(OS2) Clarified Problems of The Evacuation Study on The Great East Japan Earthquake:

Poster sessions:

One of the authors will make a short oral presentation in a few minutes. Thereafter, presentation and discussion will be made in front of poster panel. One or Two pages of paper could be included in proceedings.

Notice for Authors

(1) Submitted paper must be presented at the meeting by one of the authors.

(2) Speaker must be a member of JAFSE.

(3) Presentation time will be 12 minutes per paper.

(4) In one category, number of presentations by the same person is limited to one.

(5) At the meeting, PC projector will be provided. But you must prepare personal computer yourself.

Submission of Manuscript

If your application is accepted, you will have to submit manuscript by 12 March 2012 9:00 PM (JST). The detailed form for manuscript will be given later on JAFSE bulletin and web page.

Download PaperFormat2012Eng.doc  for details.


Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering (JAFSE),

Gakkai Center Building, 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032

E-mail (for inquiry only): jafse-annusymp@gmail.com (Email correspondence is recommended.)

Tel. +81-3-3813-8308

FAX +81-3-5689-3577

平成23年度 日本火災学会講演討論会のご案内




- 記 –

日 時 : 平成24年1月25日(水) 13:00~16:30

会 場 : 「文京シビックホール」(東京都文京区春日1-16-21)

参加費 : 無料(ただし、テキスト代1,000円)

申 込 : 当日受付


プログラム等の詳細はこちらをクリック → 平成23年度講演討論会開催案内.PDF


ポスターはこちらからダウンロードできます。 → 平成23年度講演討論会ポスター.PDF



社団法人 日本火災学会



日 時: 2010年11月19日(金)

○15:00-16:50 記念式典 
開会の辞、来賓祝辞 (15:00~15:30)
感謝状贈呈         (15:30~15:45)
記念講演            (15:45~16:45)
60年のあゆみ     神 忠久氏(第21代日本火災学会会長)
建築と火災      辻本 誠氏(東京理科大学)
火災学会と消防活動  松井晶範氏(東京消防庁)

○17:15-19:00 祝賀会

場 所: スクワール麹町
東京都千代田区麹町6-6 電話番号 03-3234-8739
JR 四ッ谷駅麹町口正面 地下鉄丸の内線・南北線四ッ谷駅より徒歩1分

 ◎祝賀会参加費  事前申込 1人 5,000円(当日申込 1人 6,000円)

  1. 郵便振込の場合は、同封の郵便振込「払込取扱票」をご利用願います。
    振替口座番号 00180-4-58454 (社)日本火災学会
  2. 現金書留の場合
    〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-4-16 学会センタービル
    (社)日本火災学会 TEL 03-3813-8308  FAX 03-5689-3577

この案内の pdf がご覧になりたいときはこちらをクリックしてください.
